The Hlahol Singing Society is an amateur mixed choir based in Prague. Founded in 1861, its origins go back to the revival of Czech national culture in the 19th century and the period of the First Republic in the early 20th century (1918–1938). Nowadays it offers both singers and listeners alike a rich palette of classical, contemporary and alternative genres. Indeed, it is precisely this diversity of repertoire combined with openness to new ideas that has been the hallmark of the choir and which it is our aim to preserve today. Drawing on trends in the current music scene of the Czech Republic and elsewhere, we embrace new, lesser-known works in our repertoire and carry out projects that differ from the usual choral activities.
The ensemble regularly performs throughout the Czech Republic and abroad. Germany and Italy are among the countries most visited, while the choir has also performed in France, England and the USA. Since 2001 Hlahol has been under the artistic direction of the conductor and composer Roman Z. Novák and the choirmistress Klára Ježková.
If you are interested in organizing a concert or engaging in another form of cooperation with Hlahol, please contact our artistic director:
Do you like to sing and travel? Hlahol is always open to accepting new members. Rehearsals are on Monday and Thursday evenings. Previous choral experience is an advantage. If you are interested, please contact our choirmistress:
The Hlahol Singing Society is housed in its own Art Nouveau building on the Masaryk Embankment in Prague, which is included on the list of cultural monuments of the Czech Republic. The concert hall, which seats up to 220 people, can be rented for concerts, theatre performances, lectures or conferences. If you are interested in renting our concert hall, please contact us:
Hlahol průběžně přijímá nové členy. Pestrý repertoár. Zkoušky v pondělí a ve čtvrtek.
Předchozí zkušenosti se sborovým zpěvem výhodou. V případě zájmu kontaktujte paní sbormistryni Kláru Ježkovou.
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